Videocast Series: Retail Supply Chain Best Practices
Part 3: The State of Advance Ship Notices in the Consumer Goods to Retail Supply Chain
Featuring Dr. Brian Gibson and Dr. Brent Williams, professors of Supply Chain Management at Auburn University
Advance Ship Notices (ASNs/EDI 856 transactions) are an essential component of an integrated consumer goods to retail supply chain.
But two decades after ASN's were first starting to be implemented, where is the industry at? And how can manufacturers and retailers obtain maximum value and leverage from their investment in ASN capabilities?
In this important videocast, we will highlight groundbreaking research from Dr. Brian Gibson and Dr. Brent Williams of Auburn University on the state of ASN's, based on just completed research with 30 retailers, using detailed transaction data, about ASN adoption, practice and advance usage.
You hear it first on The Supply Chain Television Channel!
We'll answer important questions such as:
- The drivers of ASN adoption - and why some retailers are still not on-board with the practice.
- How ASNs clearly improve the flow of goods and signficantly reduce supply chain costs for manufacturers and retailers.
- The cost of inaccuracy - how well do ASNs really match up with what's received on the dock? We'll have hard data that you may find surprising.
- How leading retailers are taking ASN data to a whole new level of supply chain performance.
All this and more in this outstanding videocast - you won't want to miss it.